Participants are invited to submit a paper of maximum 6 pages.
The volume of the conference will be published by the European Institute Publishing House.
The papers will be written as follows: TNR, 11 pt., quotes TNR 10 pt. (the source will be mentioned), footnotes TNR 10 pt., margins: 2,5 cm, single spaced.
Bibliography - TNR 10 pt. The (mandatory) order of the information: author (name, surname), title of the work (in italics), publishing house, city/town, year of publication and pp.
All the submitted papers will be subject to a double blind peer-review process according to the following criteria:
- for empirical papers: focus of the paper, an indication of the theoretical framework for the study, an indication of and justification for the methodology used, and some relevant sample data and results.
- for theoretical/philosophical essays: focus or theme of the paper, an indication of the theoretical or philosophical framework within which the focus or theme of the paper is developed, a clearly articulated statement of the author's position about the focus or theme, and implications.
The review forms are to be found here:
- The "Forms to be used by reviewers" page
The authors whose first language is not the language used for the proposed paper are kindly requested to have their work proof read prior to submission by a proficient speaker of that language. Papers can be rejected due to a poor standard of language (English / Ffrench).
Please submit your paper as attachment by e-mail at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Use the following format for your file: EPC_TKS_authorslastname.docx.
You are kindly asked to mention the conference topic for your paper in the subject of your email and at the top of your paper.
Please send a scan of the bank receipt to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Use the following name for the respective scanned file EPC_TKS_payment_your name.jpg (or pdf etc.). When you make the payment it is mandatory to specify on the bank form: conference fee for EPC-TKS International Conference 2021.